Here's to a great start of the new school year! We come back with renewed forces and many news and resources to share with you this month, including:
Getting started with Cambridge, our exclusive training event to kick off the school year with some of the greatest speakers in English language teaching.
The Global Preparation Centres event, to help you build your confidence around our qualifications.
Welcome back to the classroom, and happy teaching!
Professional Learning and Development
Kick off the school year!
Join us for this exciting event where we'll meet some of the most inspiring names in English language teaching who will share their insights for the start of the school year.
Afterwards, our expert trainers will provide you with practical ideas and tips for your coursebook.
Compartimos algunas ideas para que tus alumnos puedan empezar con series con las que afinar el oído y familiarizarse con usos del inglés y expresiones que a veces se quedan fuera de las aulas.
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